
he/they/she | ur local scemo | 20

Please note that for the time being the discord is currently down!

Email - [email protected]

Who are you?

Hello hello! My name is Benji, but you can also call me Moon ('cause of my user, lol!), Basil, or Goose! I'm your local scene emo kid from NYC that adores music and alternative fashion, but my major in college is actually creative writing. Ironic, right?

What are your socials?

Do you have alt/priv accounts?

Okay so here's the deal: I have a lot of socials LOL- All of my main accounts will either be under benjineedssleep_ or mellow_moonn. All of my alts will be under mallow_moonn. Any other accounts are private/for my personal life, and unless explicitly shared with you, are not for you.I've also included any of my inactive accounts below for the sake of knowing what is and is not me.

How can I support you?

There are many ways you can support me. Some of the easiest ways are actually free and that is to like, comment, share, and save my posts. It's great for algorithms and helps me build a community.If you're interested in more monetary means, you can donate to my ko-fi. Doing so will allow me to:
- Put more money into the Discord Server (emotes, boosting, events, etc.)
- Buy things I need for better content creation (tech, programs, liscences, etc.)
- Pay for things I need for college (classes, books, travel expenses, ect.)

What happened to your writergram account?

Long story short, I grew out of writergram. And while it is sad to see my beloved account go, it's what's best for my progress creatively and also as a content creator. But don't worry, the account's still there! Just search "mellow_moonn_archive", and that's it! Unless I change my mind, it'll be an archive forever.Due to the wait time for usernames on Instagram to become avilable again, my new account is under the afrementioned "benjineedssleep_". I may or may not return to mellow_moonn. We shall see X3

Discord Server Logo

Credit - saterise

Discord Emotes

Credit - just.satou

Credit - just.satou

Credit - just.satou

Profile Pictures

Profile pictures vary by platform and may not always be in use. Past and present commissions will be here.

Variations of this profile picture exist. The only difference is a change in color for the background. The current one is a transparent image.Credit - just.satou

Credit - saterise